Vision: Lake Weir Middle School will be a safe and caring school environment that equips students with knowledge, skills, and a desire to succeed. Students will leave with Lakeside Pride prepared for a future that includes high school graduation, college and workforce readiness, and citizenship that promotes positive social change.
Mission: Lake Weir Middle School exists to prepare middle school students, within three years, for participation in rigorous academic and vocational programs at any secondary school.
Lake Weir Middle School uses a research-based instructional strategy called Positive Behavior Support (PBS) to improve student achievement. This program is an important part of our school climate. When students display the characteristics of the Big 3 expectations students excel both behaviorally and academically. Based on the continuum of learning, practicing, and becoming intrinsically motivated to display good behavior, teachers reward students with positive referrals for displaying the Core Values of LWMS.
You and your parents have the responsibility to become informed of all rules and regulations for good conduct. Students are responsible to observe all the established guidelines for behavior. Students are expected to display 1) cooperation, 2) self-control, and 3) obedience at all times. It is your responsibility to govern yourselves according to the rules set forth by the school, school board, and good common sense.
However, sometimes you may feel that you are not being treated fairly. When this happens, you should immediately go to a teacher and discuss it. The teacher can usually solve most problems. If you feel the teacher has not resolved the situation, then ask to speak to a guidance counselor or administrator. Any problems unresolved at the school level may be directed to the superintendent’s office.
The purpose of behavior guidelines is to ensure an enjoyable, cooperative, respectful, and safe environment for learning. Students at Lake Weir Middle are responsible for their personal behavior at all times. Members of the school community are expected to be polite and considerate of the rights of others. Our guidelines allow us to continue providing an environment that is conducive to learning and promotes excellence.
Students are expected to cooperate with all teachers and staff members. Bus Drivers, substitutes, visitors, and volunteers are to be treated with the same respect as teachers and staff. Physical violence and threats are considered to be serious forms of misbehavior and will not be tolerated. Remember, we are members of the same team and we are all here to accomplish the same goal.
All students are expected to abide by the rules established in their classrooms and by the school. Rules are established to ensure a safe climate that promotes learning. When you make choices that compromise the environment established, you should expect appropriate consequences to be assigned.
The Administration is responsible for any student discipline that is referred to the office and has the authority to assign appropriate consequences as defined by the Marion County Code of Student Conduct. We realize that all students are individuals with unique circumstances. Every effort will be made to be fair and consistent with your best interests in mind.
Regular attendance at school is important for student achievement. Excessive absences are detrimental to a student’s educational progress; therefore, family trips and medical appointments should be planned after school hours or on days that school is not in session. Students are expected to be in school except in cases of emergency or for reasons outlined in the Marion County Code of Student Conduct.
Absence Procedure:
- Parent/Guardian should verify days absent with attendance office personnel.
- Upon return to school, students must submit a written note from their parent/guardian within three (3) days of the absence indicating the reason for the absence. Excused absences can only be granted in accordance with the following Marion County policies:
- Illness of the student (if a student is continually sick and repeatedly absent from school, the student must be under the supervision of a physician in order to receive an excuse from attendance)
- Major illness in the immediate family of the student
- Medical appointment (physician note required)
- Religious Holiday
- Death in the family
- Head lice, a maximum of one (1) excused day per occurrence
- Approved school activity
- Court appearance by student (summons or subpoena required)
- Absence which has been approved prior to the absence by the school administration
Note: Students may make up work for credit if they have an excused absence as per Marion County policy. It is the student’s responsibility to get all missed assignments and arrange to make up tests.
A student may be referred to School Social Work Services for intervention after they have five (5) absences either excused or unexcused. A student may be referred to the Child Study Team for nonattendance when they have (F.S. 232.17):
- Five unexcused absences within a calendar month or
- Ten unexcused absences within a 90 calendar day period.
A student who has fifteen (15) or more unexcused absences within a 90 calendar day period is considered a habitual truant and interventions leading to court action may occur. (F.S. 228.041)
Perfect Attendance:
Students will have perfect attendance if they are present every day, every period, no check outs and no tardies. School sponsored activities with definite academic outcomes will not be counted as absences.
Outstanding Attendance:
Students will have outstanding attendance if they are present every day but have an early check out or tardy to class.
Students being checked out during the school day for the following reasons: personal illness, family illness, family emergency, doctor or dental appointments that cannot be made at a time other than school hours, or attending a school sponsored activity will be released only to the persons designated on the student’s critical information sheet. Please sign out through the attendance office. The adult checking out the student is required to provide proper picture identification.
In order to assist with student safety and limit traffic, please do not check your son or daughter out of school after 2:45 p.m. If you need to change your child’s mode of transportation home, from bus to personal vehicle, it must be done 45 or more minutes prior to dismissal.
Students can qualify for many different awards based on their academics, attendance, behavior and good citizenship. Examples of these awards are:
- Perfect Attendance
- Principal’s Award
- Presidential Academic Fitness Award – 3.5 GPA and 85 percentile in reading or math on a norm reference test in the preceding year
- American Legion Award – courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service
- Riley Preston Award - Over-all improvement in academics and behavior
- Esther J. Strausbaugh Award
- SOARing Eagle Award
- Learning for Excellent Academic Performance (LEAPs) Award
Transportation department phone number is 671-7050. Students living two or more miles from school are eligible for bus transportation.
The bus stop is considered “school grounds” and all school rules are in effect. Students are not allowed to ride a different bus to and from school other than the one assigned to them.
Students are expected to adhere to all posted safety rules on busses at all times. The rules are as follows:
- Students must remain in their seat at all times while bus is moving.
- Remain in an assigned seat.
- Keep arms and head inside windows.
- Cross the roadway ten (10) feet in front of the bus and wait for the driver’s signal before crossing.
- Avoid unnecessary conversation with the driver.
- Observe classroom conduct.
- Obey the driver who is in charge of the bus and the students.
- Refrain from eating, drinking or gum chewing.
- Refrain from having balloons or other large or disruptive items on the bus (the bus driver has the right to prohibit any article being taken on the bus.)
- Obey the Code of Student Conduct.
- Other rules as needed to insure student safety.
Penalties for violating these rules: Students will be reported by the driver to the discipline office who has the authority to suspend the student temporarily or permanently from riding the bus. A school bus referral can result in suspension from school.
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Breakfast is free for all students. Lunch should be paid for in advance. Students are expected to help maintain the facilities by throwing away their trash and carrying their trays to the kitchen window before they leave the cafeteria. Students will use a “grab and go” system and will eat breakfast in their designated before school assigned area (Auditorium, Gym, or Café). Lunch must be eaten within the designated areas including both indoor and outdoor seating. Food or drinks are not to be taken into the classroom unless specifically directed.
Stealing of cafeteria items will result in suspension and possible referral to law enforcement.
Cell phones and similar wireless devices may be in possession of students on campus, but may not be visible and must be turned off during regular school hours or on the bus. Parents are asked not to expect students to answer cell phone calls or texts during school hours as this violates the Marion County Public School Policy. Lake Weir Middle School administration will not be responsible for the loss or theft of any electronic or prohibited item.
Cheating is unacceptable behavior in all life situations. In an academic (school) setting it is unacceptable because it is the theft of someone else’s ideas or work products. Someone who cheats is lying about his/her own knowledge. It is an attempt by the cheater to be “rewarded” by a better grade without doing the required work. In cases of cheating, all persons involved (including those who knowingly supply the answers or information to another) will be considered to be cheating.
In order to better insure the safety of all students and increase educational opportunities, Lake Weir Middle School has a closed campus policy. Parents or legal guardians wishing to visit a student MUST check in at the main office.
Students should not bring visitors to school unless approved in advance by the school administration. Only messages left by a parent or legal guardian will be delivered to students.
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The Internet is to be used for educational purposes only. Any inappropriate use of computers, such as changing settings or using a computer to produce inappropriate material may result in suspension from school and loss of computer privileges. Students may not bring laptops or any other computer devices (tablets, handheld consoles etc.) to school. A completed network access agreement must be on file at school for students to use the Internet.
The dress code at Lake Weir Middle School is developed around the theme that school is a special place. Students are expected to dress appropriately and in good taste. Clothing which is excessively revealing, baggy, that might tend to distract other students or teachers, or otherwise interferes with the classroom atmosphere is not appropriate and is not allowed. Writing on the body, extreme hairstyles or color, and extreme makeup is not acceptable at Lake Weir Middle School. For more information about dress code, please be sure to reference the Lake Weir Middle School School Policies and Procedures pages in the Student Planner.
Students wearing inappropriate clothing will be sent to discipline.The dress code is for the safety and academic focus of all students.
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Teachers will prepare report cards each 9-week grading period to report the progress of the student to the parents. Interim progress reports will also be issued each 4-1/2 weeks. Parents may access the “Family Access” at any time to check progress.
The following State of Florida grading scale is used:
A = 100 - 90
B = 89 - 80
C = 79 - 70
D = 69 - 60
F = 59 or below
(2.0) Grade Point Average
Students and parents are advised that students are required to maintain a grade point average of 2.0 in order to participate in any out of school activity or field trips that are not curriculum driven at Lake Weir Middle School.
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Beginning with this school year, parents/guardians will have access to their child’s grades and progress in every class via the new “Family Access” that will be available on line. To access this site, a parent/guardian will need to register at their child’s school by providing a photo ID. A code will then be issued to that parent/guardian that will allow them to log on to the system, create a user ID, password and account. When a parent/guardian has logged on to the system he or she can access all their child’s grade reports, attendance, discipline referrals, and state testing scores. Parents who have children at different schools, only need to register at one school for access.
This is a great way to stay up to date with your child’s progress in each class. This report will show a detailed breakdown of your child’s grade in each of his/her classes. This will include grades such as tests, quizzes, homework, etc. You will also be able to see any missing assignments your child may have. Please keep in mind the following:
- Teachers will enter grades within 7 days of a due date for a project or within 7 days of a test.
- It is suggested that parents check the portal once per week at a minimum.
- Parents can access a teacher’s website to view assignments that have been given.
During the school year your child is eligible to participate in certain health services including, but not limited to, vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings. These screenings will be conducted at various grade levels. Parents will be notified of these screenings and if a need for follow-up is indicated. If you do not wish for your child to participate in these screenings, you must send a written note to the principal at the beginning of each school year for your child to be excluded from participation.
In case of emergency, “911” (Emergency Medical Services) will be called and the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. In the event the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the person designated by the parent/guardian to call “In Case of Emergency” will be notified.
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In the event of an injury to a student during regular school hours, any medical expense related to the injury is the responsibility of the parent. The Marion County School Board does not carry medical insurance on students while they are in school.
During the year, live animals may be used in our classrooms to enhance the curriculum and help teach responsibility and sensitivity to other living creatures. If you have concerns, please contact the school.
In case of an extreme emergency the administration will announce that a Code Yellow or Code Red Lock Down is in effect and all teachers will call all students into a secure classroom or other designated space. Teachers will lock all doors to their room and not open them until cleared by the proper authority. Student cooperation is a must during these times.
If students are to take doctor ordered medication during school hours, they must have an official “Authorization for Prescribed Medication” form completed and on file every school year. This form must be renewed every three months for long-term medication.
All medications must be in the original pharmacy bottle with proper labeling from the pharmacy. No medication is to be given or taken without the completed form on file. Parents must bring in completed form and the medication to Clinic personnel between the hours of 9:15 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. on school days. Please do not send medication with student. Students are not allowed to keep medication in lockers, desks, purses, etc., or on their persons. Students who use inhalers or EpiPens may carry this medication with them but they must have a prescription for it with them at all times and on file in the clinic.
Medications must be picked up at the end of the medicating time period or at the end of the school year. Any medications not picked up will be disposed of according to School District policy.
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Students are responsible for earning four units in the core subject areas for each grade of middle school, as outlined below. If a student does not earn these units each year the student will be responsible for retaking the course(s) through an online program offered through the school prior to being promoted to high school at the end of his/her 8th grade year.
In order to be promoted to High School, a student must pass:
- Three middle school or higher courses in ELA
- Three middle school or higher courses in mathematics
- Three middle school or higher courses in social studies, one semester of which must include the study of state and federal government and civics education
- Three middle school or higher courses in science
- One course in career and education planning, with a technology focus, to be completed in 8th grade
[§ 1003.4156, Fla. Stat. (2015)]
Planner: Student Planners are provided to every student at no charge. Replacement planners must be purchased for a cost of $5.00. Used properly and consistently, planners provide a valuable written record of a student’s daily school assignments.
Parents can help with their child’s success by establishing a regular routine of checking and discussing the contents of the PLANNER with their student.
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Tardiness and early sign-outs are disruptive to the learning environment and can have a negative impact on student achievement. A tardy or early sign-out will only be excused due to sickness or injury, death in the immediate family, medical or dental appointments with a note from the physician, court date, religious observance, or school sponsored activities.
Parents/guardians must provide a note for each tardy/early sign-out. Other reasons such as oversleeping; missing the school bus, etc. will be unexcused.
A student is allowed three (3) excused and/or three (3) unexcused tardies/early sign-outs within a nine-week grading period. Thereafter the school administration will address consequences for excessive tardiness and early sign-outs as outlined in the Marion County School Board’s Code of Student Conduct, Level 1 – Corrective Measure Code.
Florida Statute 569.11 states that it is unlawful for any person under the age of 18 to knowingly possess any tobacco product at any time. It is also unlawful for a person to misrepresent his/her age in order to purchase or acquire tobacco products. Beyond suspension out of school for possession of tobacco products, violations of this law may result in:
- A civil citation and imposition of sanctions by the court
- A monetary fine payable to the court
- Community service hours
- Suspension of driver’s license.
The Board authorizes and supports the voluntary transfer of a student from a school in which his/her race is in the majority to a school in which his/her race is in the minority, including transfer by any minority student from a school where the total enrollment of minority students constitutes the majority.
- Application for reassignment made on the basis of majority to minority may be filed at any time.
- Transportation, if requested, shall be provided by the Board for students approved under the majority to minority transfer policy.
- In the event that space is not available at the requested school on a reassignment request under the majority to minority transfer policy, the district shall offer a reasonably comparable alternative school reassignment. Determination of available space shall include, but is not limited to, prescribed classroom teacher/pupil ratio for the requested grades, teacher daily or weekly contact limits (at the high school level), and satisfactory building capacity. If space is not available at the requested school, and the offer of an alternative is not accepted, the request shall be placed on “hold” until such time as space becomes available. At that time, the superintendent and/or his/her designee shall contact the requester.
- Any out-of-area transfer request (reassignment request) which also qualifies as a majority to minority request shall be treated as such, regardless of whether the out-of-area transfer for which the student applied would be granted or denied on the basis for which the transfer was sought.
Please address questions or clarifications to Mr. Tony Burke, District Supervisor for Student Assignments and Reassignments at 671-7743.
The State of Florida has established additional requirements for school vaccinations. BEFORE your child enters seventh (7th) grade he/she will have to present proof of complying with current immunization requirements:
- Hepatitis B vaccine –Two (2) or Three (3) dose series
- 2nd MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- A Tetanus/Diphtheria Booster
We encourage you to contact your doctor to see if your child has received these vaccines. If he/she has not, they are available from your doctor now or the Marion County Public Health Unit.
When your child receives the Florida Certificate of Immunization (DH Form 680), please submit the document to the school as soon as possible.
Students without DH Form 680 reflecting the above requirements will not be allowed to attend classes.
If you have any questions, please call the Marion County Public Health Unit at 629-0137.
Weapons and the use of weapons (including toy guns and facsimile) are prohibited on school property, including buses, school-sponsored activities, and in any vehicle brought onto school property. Violation of the prohibition shall be considered a serious misconduct and will be governed by School Board Policy.
Lake Weir Middle School has a “zero tolerance” policy for weapons violations and will prosecute students to the full extent of the law.
To withdraw a student from school the parent should come to the Guidance Office or be available by phone to confirm withdrawal.
If a student is transferring to a school out of the county or a private school, the student must have a student record release form signed by the parent or guardian before records can be sent.
School Board Policy permits the voluntary transfer of a student from a school in which his/her race is the majority to a school in which his/her race is the minority.
For clarification of or additional information regarding student assignment and reassignment policies, contact Mr. Tony Burke at 671-7743.
BICYCLES All students’ bicycles must meet legal standards to be ridden on the road (including a helmet). Students must operate their bicycles on campus in a safe and orderly manner. Bikes are to be parked and locked in the bike racks located at the front of the building.
If you have a need to talk to a teacher, guidance counselor, or an administrator, please call 671-6122. You are encouraged to stay in contact with the school. Use the “Parent Portal” often to check your child’s progress in their classes.
Students who owe the school money will be excluded from participating in extracurricular activities until the debt is paid. Students who owe money for lost or damaged textbooks will not be issued textbooks until the debt is paid.
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